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Sunny Autumn day for sharing literature at Shark Rock Pier South Africa

Updated: Mar 10

The perfect Autumn Sabbath day presented itself for the ministry to go out and distribute Literature once again.

The distribution started slowly in the beginning but then batches of people started coming to the table who were interested in the books.

We prayed for divine appointments before we started and were blessed with a good few engaging souls with the following taking place:

Lisle said there was a gentleman who approached the table and after a short while, it was evident that he was looking to start a controversial argument. Lisle let him know that's not what we're here for and so after a bit of thought, he asked if the Great Controversy came on audio, Lisle told him about the app, and he downloaded it and left to listen on Audio.

There was also a family who were thrilled to receive books from us. They mentioned that they were on the book ship, the Logos Hope, and couldn't afford to purchase books there, so they left our table smiling.

Brent recalled having a young man mention that he had been looking for a church for a while now and went to a church close to where he stayed but did not agree with what he was hearing for he was searching for the truth. After handing the young man books and a bible, I reassured him that we would send him a prophecy pdf which he gladly agreed to receive, and asked if we could engage with him if he needed questions answered which I agreed to.

Another man who was a truck driver asked Brent if we had an audio for he would not have a chance to read a book and wanted something to listen to. Brent said that he can listen to the Great Controversy via the ministries website and that we also have flash drive cards via Clash of Minds and have an audio named The Three Angles Messages audio series that he can listen to. He liked the sound of this and asked if I could arrange a flash drive card which I agreed to get to him by next weekend.

Toward the end of the distribution, we had four local mounted police arrive on horseback and one of the officers stepped his horse close up to our table and took a GC and Steps To Christ which he proceeded to put into his webbing.

In the end, we gave out 80 Great Controversies, 70 Steps To Christ, 20 Desire of Ages, 10 Ministry of Healing, 20 Discover the Sabbath, 7 Bibles and a number of leaflets.

All in all the day was a blessing and look forward to the next distribution.

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